Bokens titel. Om boken utkommit under olika titlar, visas här den första titeln.

Keeper of the Dream


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The vision
Blessed with the Welch gift of ”sight”, Lady Arianna saw the vision in a golden bowl: A knight with eyes gray as the English sea that had captured her, his sword about to pierce her heart. And she trembled, not with fear, but with a desire that engulfed her very soul.
The darkness
On the treacherous border of Wales, Raine, Black Dragon, rode his charger toward Castle Rhuddlan and the lady within. Illegitimate son of a Norman nobleman, his past was scarred by denial and mistrust, and now his future lay in the conquest of a fiefdom … and a woman’s love.

The light
As the battle trumpet sounded, Arianna, her Celtic pride unyielding, saw her dream take flesh: Raine, the enemy who inflamed her blood with desire; Raine, the lover she must gentle and tame, and then, as ancient hatreds threatened their lives, either cherish … or betray. (baksidestext)

Personer, aktörer


Exakt tidpunkt



The wind carried with it the stench of burning thatch and the anguished wail of a woman's scream.
Uppgifter om originalutgåvan av verket samt den första översatta utgåvan på svenska och/eller finska. Här visas också uppgifter om eventuella nyöversättningar och ibland även uppgifter om översättningar till andra språk än finska och svenska.


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